Sinch Contact Center Restful Task Interface (RTI) version v1
This interface implements RESTful version for task management for Sinch Contact Center. It requires that Task Management Interface is installed as well.
Request Header Data Requirements
To GET JSON response, the request must have "Accept = application/json" header.
To GET XML response, the request should have "Accept = application/xml" header.
To POST/PUT JSON data, the request must have "Content-Type = application/json" header.
To POST/PUT XML data, the request should have "Content-Type = application/xml" header.
POST should also have "Accept = text/html" header. It returns the ID of the created object.
PUT and DELETE do not have any response, instead they return code 201 (No Content).
Collection of tasks.
Get all open tasks.
Add new task. Returns the ID of the created task.
get /tasks
Get all open tasks.
Query Parameters
- sort: (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: array of object
Items: taskItem
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
"id": "C31EBB45D0FD49B983C307BF811DDFBA",
"type": "XRI",
"queue": "5283266B09B446F0B7957B1704C3A629",
"queueName": "Task Queue",
"responsible": "92BAC2A45BBC4CCFB62FD9EA9B413055",
"status": "Handled",
"rowVersion": "00000000017A26A7"
"id": "853DAA4A58734DB9AA7D0D87B98D99A6",
"type": "XRI",
"queue": "5283266B09B446F0B7957B1704C3A629",
"queueName": "Task Queue",
"responsible": "92BAC2A45BBC4CCFB62FD9EA9B413055",
"status": "Open",
"rowVersion": "00000000017A24E8"
"id": "95EDDA2434FBEE11AC250281A3237849",
"type": "EMAIL",
"queue": "7D1CF527B0A040BA98A2342F4657992F",
"queueName": "SalesTaskQueue",
"responsible": "26364A4DFA9F413AA5A5F99F96F38B8E",
"status": "Handled",
"rowVersion": "000000000173D0E2"
post /tasks
Add new task. Returns the ID of the created task.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- data: required(object)
- item: (object)
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
- caseId: (string)
- cid: (string)
- subject: (string)
- created: required(any)
- creator: (string)
- priority: required(number)
- warningTime: required(any)
- criticalTime: required(any)
- fromAddress: (string)
- toAddress: (string)
- toAddressAnswer: (string)
- ccAddressAnswer: (string)
- bccAddressAnswer: (string)
- firstModifier: (string)
- firstModified: required(any)
- lastModifier: (string)
- lastModified: required(any)
- solutionDate: required(any)
- customer: (string)
- index: required(number)
- values: (object)
- KV: (array of object)
Items: items
- K: (string)
- v: (string)
- KV: (array of object)
- attachments: (object)
- Attachment: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- filename: (string)
- creator: (string)
- created: required(datetime)
- ext: (string)
- size: (number)
- path: (string)
- data: (array of number)
- Attachment: (array of object)
- body: (string)
- item: (object)
- skills: (object)
- Skill: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- value: (string)
- Skill: (array of object)
- requiredAgents: (object)
- expiryTime: required(number)
- agents: (object)
- RequiredAgent: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- login: (string)
- RequiredAgent: (array of object)
"data": {
"item": {
"type": "XRI",
"queue": ""
"subject": "Service request",
"body": "Can be used for e-mail keyword routing by CEM",
"fromAddress": "john.doe@work.corp",
"toAddress": "",
"values": {
"KV": [
"k": "XRI-body",
"v": "Call customer and book service for customer John Doe. Including new winter tires"
"k": "ticketId",
"v": "1234"
"skills": {
"Skill": [
"id": "EN",
"value": "2"
"id": "ExtSkill",
"value": "3"
"requiredAgents": {
"expiryTime": 123,
"agents": {
"RequiredAgent": [
"login": "agent1"
"login": "agent2"
Media type: application/xml
Type: object
Properties- data: required(object)
- item: (object)
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
- caseId: (string)
- cid: (string)
- subject: (string)
- created: required(any)
- creator: (string)
- priority: required(number)
- warningTime: required(any)
- criticalTime: required(any)
- fromAddress: (string)
- toAddress: (string)
- toAddressAnswer: (string)
- ccAddressAnswer: (string)
- bccAddressAnswer: (string)
- firstModifier: (string)
- firstModified: required(any)
- lastModifier: (string)
- lastModified: required(any)
- solutionDate: required(any)
- customer: (string)
- index: required(number)
- values: (object)
- KV: (array of object)
Items: items
- K: (string)
- v: (string)
- KV: (array of object)
- attachments: (object)
- Attachment: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- filename: (string)
- creator: (string)
- created: required(datetime)
- ext: (string)
- size: (number)
- path: (string)
- data: (array of number)
- Attachment: (array of object)
- body: (string)
- item: (object)
- skills: (object)
- Skill: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- value: (string)
- Skill: (array of object)
- requiredAgents: (object)
- expiryTime: required(number)
- agents: (object)
- RequiredAgent: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- login: (string)
- RequiredAgent: (array of object)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
HTTP status code 201
Returns the created id.
Media type: text/html
Type: any
Number of open tasks.
Entity representing a task.
Get contents of one task.
Update one task.
Delete one task. Task status is changed to Deleted.
get /tasks/{id}
Get contents of one task.
URI Parameters
- id: required(string)
Query Parameters
- filter: (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- item: (object)
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
- caseId: (string)
- cid: (string)
- subject: (string)
- created: required(any)
- creator: (string)
- priority: required(number)
- warningTime: required(any)
- criticalTime: required(any)
- fromAddress: (string)
- toAddress: (string)
- toAddressAnswer: (string)
- ccAddressAnswer: (string)
- bccAddressAnswer: (string)
- firstModifier: (string)
- firstModified: required(any)
- lastModifier: (string)
- lastModified: required(any)
- solutionDate: required(any)
- customer: (string)
- index: required(number)
- values: (object)
- KV: (array of object)
Items: items
- K: (string)
- v: (string)
- KV: (array of object)
- attachments: (object)
- Attachment: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- filename: (string)
- creator: (string)
- created: required(datetime)
- ext: (string)
- size: (number)
- path: (string)
- data: (array of number)
- Attachment: (array of object)
- body: (string)
"item": {
"type": "XRI",
"queue": "Task Queue"
"subject": "Service request",
"body": "Can be used for e-mail keyword routing by CEM",
"fromAddress": "",
"toAddress": "",
"values": {
"KV": [
"k": "XRI-body",
"v": "Call customer and book service for customer John Doe. Including new winter tires"
"k": "ticketId",
"v": "1234"
Media type: application/xml
Type: object
Properties- item: (object)
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
- caseId: (string)
- cid: (string)
- subject: (string)
- created: required(any)
- creator: (string)
- priority: required(number)
- warningTime: required(any)
- criticalTime: required(any)
- fromAddress: (string)
- toAddress: (string)
- toAddressAnswer: (string)
- ccAddressAnswer: (string)
- bccAddressAnswer: (string)
- firstModifier: (string)
- firstModified: required(any)
- lastModifier: (string)
- lastModified: required(any)
- solutionDate: required(any)
- customer: (string)
- index: required(number)
- values: (object)
- KV: (array of object)
Items: items
- K: (string)
- v: (string)
- KV: (array of object)
- attachments: (object)
- Attachment: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- filename: (string)
- creator: (string)
- created: required(datetime)
- ext: (string)
- size: (number)
- path: (string)
- data: (array of number)
- Attachment: (array of object)
- body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
put /tasks/{id}
Update one task.
URI Parameters
- id: required(string)
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- item: (object)
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
- caseId: (string)
- cid: (string)
- subject: (string)
- created: required(any)
- creator: (string)
- priority: required(number)
- warningTime: required(any)
- criticalTime: required(any)
- fromAddress: (string)
- toAddress: (string)
- toAddressAnswer: (string)
- ccAddressAnswer: (string)
- bccAddressAnswer: (string)
- firstModifier: (string)
- firstModified: required(any)
- lastModifier: (string)
- lastModified: required(any)
- solutionDate: required(any)
- customer: (string)
- index: required(number)
- values: (object)
- KV: (array of object)
Items: items
- K: (string)
- v: (string)
- KV: (array of object)
- attachments: (object)
- Attachment: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- filename: (string)
- creator: (string)
- created: required(datetime)
- ext: (string)
- size: (number)
- path: (string)
- data: (array of number)
- Attachment: (array of object)
- body: (string)
"item": {
"type": "XRI",
"queue": "Task Queue"
"subject": "Service request",
"body": "Can be used for e-mail keyword routing by CEM",
"fromAddress": "",
"toAddress": "",
"values": {
"KV": [
"k": "XRI-body",
"v": "Call customer and book service for customer John Doe. Including new winter tires"
"k": "ticketId",
"v": "1234"
Media type: application/xml
Type: object
Properties- item: (object)
- id: (string)
- type: (string)
- queue: (string)
- queueName: (string)
- responsible: (string)
- status: (string)
- rowVersion: (string)
- caseId: (string)
- cid: (string)
- subject: (string)
- created: required(any)
- creator: (string)
- priority: required(number)
- warningTime: required(any)
- criticalTime: required(any)
- fromAddress: (string)
- toAddress: (string)
- toAddressAnswer: (string)
- ccAddressAnswer: (string)
- bccAddressAnswer: (string)
- firstModifier: (string)
- firstModified: required(any)
- lastModifier: (string)
- lastModified: required(any)
- solutionDate: required(any)
- customer: (string)
- index: required(number)
- values: (object)
- KV: (array of object)
Items: items
- K: (string)
- v: (string)
- KV: (array of object)
- attachments: (object)
- Attachment: (array of object)
Items: items
- id: (string)
- filename: (string)
- creator: (string)
- created: required(datetime)
- ext: (string)
- size: (number)
- path: (string)
- data: (array of number)
- Attachment: (array of object)
- body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
HTTP status code 204
No content - The server has successfully fulfilled the request and there is no additional content to send in the response payload body.