Creating Scripts


You use this procedure to create interactive scripts, callback scripts, as well as static scripts. Communication Panel supports static and interactive scripts.


You must have rights to create scripts and to view queues.


  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose Scripting Management.

  2. Choose Add New.

    A dialog window appears.

  3. Choose the script type.

    Interactive scripts are used in Outbound campaigns and in inbound queues, static scripts are for reporting purposes, and callback scripts are for callback queues (Sinch Contact Pro on-premise only).

    A screen area with relevant assignment blocks appears.

  4. In the Basics block, enter the name.

    You can also enter additional information in the Notes field. To display this information for agents as well, add {SCRIPTNAME} and {SCRIPTREMARKS} in the question in the script. See Question in the table below. The data references do notapply to scripts used in Communication Panel.

    If you want that the first question of the script is always at the beginning of the script, select the Show First Question Always on Top. This function is not supported in scripts used in Communication Panel.

  5. In the Questions and Answers block, choose Add Question and then enter the question-related information according to the following table.



    Question Number

    When you click Add Question, the field is updated automatically. The numbering starts with 10 and then continues with 20, 30, and so on. If you notice that you need a question between the questions 30 and 40, it is easy to add a question number 35.

    If you want to use different numbering system, you can change the prefilled value.

    Note that the field is for defining the order of questions. These numbers are not displayed to the agents. If you want that the script contains an ordinal number for each question, add the numbers in the question text, for example 3. Which software applications do you use in your daily work?.


    Add the question text. If you want to include hyperlinks in the question, choose the editing icon. A dialog box opens. Choose the hyperlink type and enter the address. You can also enter a description for the link.

    In the Interactive Scripts used in Outbound campaigns, you can include the following data references in texts of the Information type questions, and display customer and campaign data in script view in the following way:

    {INITIALINFO}: Displays data that is defined as Initial info in Outbound Management > Settings as the system default, or in Outbound Management > Campaigns > User Interface Settings for each campaign.

    {CAMPAIGNREMARKS}: Displays text entered in the Notes field of the campaign.

    {SCRIPTNAME}: Displays the script name.

    {SCRIPTREMARKS}: Displays text entered in the Notes field of the script.

    {SCRIPTOPENER}: Displays the campaign or queue name. If a contact does not come through a queue or campaign (for example a call to the agent’s direct number), the script must be manually opened. In these cases, {SCRIPTOPENER} displays E-mail out, Incoming call, Call out or Unknown.

    The data references do not apply to scripts used in Communication Panel.

    Next Question

    If you want that after this question, or answering option the script opens a specific question, choose it from the list.

    Answering Settings

    Control Type

    Choose the answer field type of Checkbox, Combo Box, Drop-Down List with Checkboxes, Drop-Down List, Information, Input Text Field, and Input Text Area.

    This field is mandatory.

    Data Type

    Choose the data type that is allowed in the answer field.

    This field is mandatory for all other control types except Information.

    Max. Number of Answers

    Enter the number of answers that is accepted in this question.


    Select this option if you want that agents must ask this question.

    Amount Counter

    This function does not apply to scripts used in Communication Panel.

    View Settings

    These settings do not apply to scripts used in Communication Panel.


    Control type width


    Control type height

  6. Choose Save. The entered questions and answer options appear in the Script Data and Next Question columns after saving.

  7. If you chose the answering control type Checkbox, Combo Box, Drop-Down List with Checkboxes or Drop-Down List, you must enter the answer options as well. To enter them, click the Add Answer button, and enter the answer-related information:

    • Enter the answer option text in the Answer field.

    • Enter the ordinal number of the option in the Ordinal field.

    • To start recording the call when this answer option is selected, select the Start Recording checkbox.

      This function does not apply to scripts used in Communication Panel.

    Then choose Save.

  8. Enter the following information in the Usage block:

    1. Choose Add to add the queues for which you want the script to be used.

    2. Choose when the script is available for users: when a contact is offered, answered or hung up, or handled, or alternatively, users can open it themselves during an outbound call.

  9. For information about the rights assignment block, see Access Rights.

  10. Save your entries.

Sending Script Results via URL

If you have integrated an external application with Sinch Contact Pro, you can send the results from an answered interactive script via a URL link to this integrated application.

  1. Create an interactive script.

  2. As a last question, enter a hyperlink that contains the necessary reserved words and matching parameters from the integrated system.

    The following reserved words are supported:

    Reserved WordDescription


    The conversation ID


    The agent's logon name


    The script answers


    The whole chat transcript

    When the agent clicks on the link, it opens in a new window.