Defining Client Certificates

You must have rights to modify the user’s settings or to create users.

You use this procedure to authenticate a user instead of a password. For example, if the user has the Single Sign-on (SSO) certificate on the workstation, the user can be recognized when the application is started and no separate logon is required.

If you use something else than a commonly trusted Certification Authority (CA), the trusted CA must be added to the certificate store of the server.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose User and Role Management > Users.
  2. Search for the user to whom you want to define certificates.

    The search result list appears.

  3. Choose the user by double-clicking it.
  4. Choose Certificates.
  5. Enter the certificate subject (the Common Name (CN) value of the certificate) and the issuer.

    When you move to the Issuer column additional lines appear allowing you to enter more certificates.

  6. Save your entries.