Volume Report - Service Level (Cumulative)

Volume report – Service Level (Cumulative) displays statistic for service levels with threshold values. The report is based on the data in the Contact universe in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence.

To filter data displayed in the report, define the following filters:

Table 1. Filters




Choose one of the years available in the time dimension. The default value is the year of the previous day.


Choose one of the months filtered by the year selection. The default value is the month of the previous day.


Choose the application you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the queue you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the channel. The default value is All.

The report includes reporting data for the following items for the set search parameter values:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions




Waiting time interval in 5 seconds steps


Number of handled contacts by agent but also contacts that have been handled in an external system

Handled (Cumulative)

Number of handled contacts until specific interval end time

For example 025-030 include all handled contacts having waiting time 0 – 30 seconds.

Queued (Total)

All queue contacts calculated as ArrivedService closedFalse attempts

(This is the same as Handled + Abandoned.)

Service Level (Cumulative)

Service level value that is reached by the current waiting time

Calculated with formula: 100% * Handled (Cumulative)/ Queued (Total)

Abandoned (Cumulative)

Number of abandoned contacts until specific interval end time

For example, 025-030 includes all handled contacts with a waiting time of 0 – 30 seconds.

Abandoned (Total)

All abandoned contacts

Abandoned % (Cumulative)

Abandoned % value that is reached by current waiting tim

Calculated with formula 100% * Abandoned (Cumulative)/ Abandoned (Total)