Playing Prompts in Different Languages

In internal calls prompts are played to agents in their prompt language you set in User and Role Management > Users, in the Basics block.

For customers prompts are played in the language of the queue. Set the queue prompt language in Queue Management > Queues, in the Basics block.

If no language is set for a queue or a user, the default system language is used. This is defined in Infrastructure Administrator during installation as one of Configuration Database Server variables.

For the list of supported languages, see System Languages. You can also add a custom language, see Adding Custom Languages.

Some Special Cases

  • When a call that arrives in a queue is automatically forwarded to another queue, the second queue plays the prompts in a language defined for the first queue.

  • If an agent picks the call from the first queue and transfers it to another queue, the queue prompts in the second queue are played in the second queue’s language.

  • If an agent’s presence profile directly forwards a call to a queue, and when the agent is called and they do not pick up the call, the call is forwarded to the queue but the prompts are played in agent’s prompt language.