Managing Directory Groups
You use this procedure to assign access rights to directory groups and to update directory groups that have been created in the Communication Panel (CP) application.
You must have rights to modify directory groups. You also need rights to view users, user roles, and user groups.
If you want users to be able to add entries to a directory group, make sure they have the following rights in the Access Rights assignment block:
Rights to modify the directory group
Rights to manage members
On the System Configurator main screen, choose
. -
If you want to:
update an existing directory group, search for it
The search result list appears.
Choose the group by double-clicking it.
create a new directory group, click Add New
In the Basics block, you can edit the name of the group.
You can also enter an optional free-form description.
Add the users, user groups or user roles you want to have access to the directory group and define their access level.
For information about the rights assignment block, see Access Rights.
Save your entries.
Directory group synchronization to Communication Panel
If your directory group is not synchronizing with Communication Panel, check the following settings, depending on what the group contains:
in the user's Directory block, select Directory Synchronization
in Batch Job Server Settings, select Synchronize Default Directory Group: All Sinch Contact Center Users
This requires a directory rebuild which by default happens once a day.
user groups
in the user group's Basics block, select Directory Synchronization
in Batch Job Server Settings, select Synchronize Default Directory Group: All Sinch Contact Center Users
This requires a directory rebuild which by default happens once a day.
in the queue's Basics block, Directory Synchronization selected
in Batch Job Server Settings, Synchronize Default Directory Group: All Sinch Contact Center Queues selected
This requires a directory rebuild which by default happens once a day.
If you can't update these settings, contact Sinch.