Setextradata, Setlanguage, Setpriority and Setskills Elements

These elements allow setting the call attached extra data, language, priority value, and skill requirements for an IVR call. They all are specific to Sinch Contact Pro , and appear in the VoiceXML document with the prefix bcm:.


The variable element setextradata allows attaching extra data to the call. Typically it is used in opt-in IVRs to attach the survey IVR number to the call and thus connect the call to the right survey. Expression can be a Python statement, or a number.

The setextradata element can be nested in the following parent elements: block, if, noinput, nomatch, vxml. It cannot have child elements.

* = Specific to Sinch Contact Pro

Attributes for setextradata Element


Extra Data Name

Choose the name for the extra data included in the call. Typical choice in opt-in IVR applications is SurveyExtension that binds the opt-in IVR to the right survey IVR number.

Extra Data Value

Choose or enter the expression that defines the value for the extra data named above. To connect the call with the survey IVR, choose var:SurveyExtension, that is the value defined in the Survey IVR Settings as Survey IVR Number.


Enter a description of your element; what is it planned for, its requirements and limitations.


The element setlanguage sets the language for the call that enters IVR. If the call is transferred to another IVR, the language setting is kept but when the call is transferred to a queue, the queue’s language setting is used by default. There is a setting in the transfer element Keep Language In Queue Transfer where you can define to keep the language setting either once, or for the rest of the contact lifetime.

If the call language is not set, the system language is used.

The setlanguage element can be nested in the following parent elements: block, error, filled, noinput, nomatch, timeout, vxml. It cannot have child elements.


Choose either the Language, or define the Language Expression, do not use both attributes. If both ones are defined, Language is used.

Attributes for setlanguage Element



Choose the language from the list of supported languages.

Language Expression

Choose or enter the expression that defines the code for the language. Supported languages are:

  • the two-letter codes EN, CS, DA, DE, ES, ET, FI, FR, HR, HU, IT, JA, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SK, SL, SV, TR, ZH
  • the 4-letter code of UK English prompt language enUK
  • a custom language defined in System Languages > Custom Languages


Enter a description of your element; what is it planned for, its requirements and limitations.


The variable element setpriority allows setting the priority expression for the call. Expression can be a Python statement, or a number. Priority can be also set for an extension or queue, see Priority for more information.

The setpriority element can be nested in the following parent elements: block, filled, if, noinput, nomatch, vxml. It cannot have child elements.

Attributes for setpriority Element


Initial Value Expression

Choose or enter the expression that defines the priority. The expression can be a number or a Python statement.

Enter it with one of the ways:

  • Enter it directly, such as 100.

  • Use a ready-made expression:

    1. Select the template from the drop-down list.

    2. Select x (and y) from the drop-down list, or write the value, variable, or Python statement.

    3. Click OK.

  • Choose an expression from the drop-down list, and complete the Python statement, if needed.

  • Enter the whole expression in Python code.


Enter a description of your element; what is it planned for, its requirements and limitations.


The setskills element can be nested in the following parent elements: block, filled, if, noinput, nomatch, vxml. It cannot have child elements.

Attributes for setskills Element


Skill Values

To define skill requirements, choose the skill from the drop-down list, define the required level, and add each pair to the requirement list with the plus (+) button.

To remove a requirement, choose the pair and click the minus (-) button.

To change the row order, choose the row, and move it with the Up and Down buttons.


Enter a description of your element; what is it planned for, its requirements and limitations.