Agent - Work Done

The AgentWork Done reports show group- and agent-specific contact handling times per queue. Reports are based on the data in the Agent universe in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence. There are 4 reports; the monthly, weekly, daily and quarter-hourly reports have similar structure and data content. Only the reported time intervals are different.

The AgentWork Done reports are entitled for multi-channel contact centers with multiple simultaneous contacts. AgentWork Done reports contain the working hour metrics, and provide managers with easy-to-digest information of what agents have been doing during their working hours.

The AgentWork Done reports are sorted by GroupAgent – time unit – profile name. The reports are also expandable / collapsible in this order.

To filter data displayed in the reports, define the following filters:

Table 1. Filters

Filter Parameter



Choose one of the years/months/weeks of the year/days available in the time dimension. The default value is defined by the day previous to the current day.

Contact Allocation

Choose if only the queue contacts are counted, or direct ones, or both of them. The default value is All Contacts.


Choose the reporting group whose information you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the agent. The default value is All.

The reports include reporting data for the following items:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions

Column type



Grouping data


List of reporting groups where the agent belongs to


List of agents

Time unit

Time unit for limiting reporting data

Profile name

Agent’s profile

Working Hours

Service Time (Total)

The total time when group/agents have been working in the selected time period, allocation type, and group/agent

Ready Time

The total time when groups/agents have been with the status Ready in the selected time period, allocation type, and group/agent

Free Time

The total time when groups/agents have been with the status Ready but have had no incoming contacts in the selected time period, allocation type, and group/agent

Not-Ready Time

The total time when groups/agents have been with the status Not-Ready in the selected time period, allocation type, and group/agent

Pause Time

The total time when groups/agents have been with the status Pause in the selected time period, allocation type, and group/agent. Absence profiles such as meeting or lunch generate pause time.

First Logon

The timestamp of the first logon

Last Logoff

The timestamp of the last logoff


Calls (In)

Number of handled inbound calls

Calls (out)

Number of handled outbound calls

Consultation Call

Number of handled consultation calls

E-Mail (In)

Number of handled inbound e-mails

Chats (In)

Number of handled inbound chat contacts

Chats (Out)

Number of handled outbound chat contacts


Count of handled call back request calls


This does not mean handled callbacks, since it may have required another call to become handled.

Contact Handling Time

Talking Time (In)

Total inbound call talking time.

Talking Time (Out)

Total outbound call talking time.

Consultation Time

Total outbound consultation time.

E-Mails (In) Time

Total inbound e-mail handling time. The time is active e-mail handling time and does not contain time when e-mail is in pending list.

Chat Time

Total chatting time.

Callback Time

Total callback request calling time.


Total wrap-up time, contain scripting and resting times.