Agent - Contact Handling Volume

The reports show group- and agent-specific volume statistics over different contact channels and time period. Reports are based on the agent data in the Agent universe in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence. There are 4 reports; the annual, monthly, daily and hourly reports have similar structure and data content. Only the reported time intervals are different.

Reports replace the Contact Handling report template of previous versions, and answer the needs of a multichannel contact center, such as:

  • Are there any differences in contact handling rates between calls, e-mails and chats?

  • How many calls, e-mails and chats do my agents handle during a specific time frame?

  • Which of my agents are the top performers in e-mail handling?

The Agent – Contact Handling Volume reports are sorted by GroupAgentTime. The reports are also expandable / collapsible in this order.

Note: Variation in the number of handled contacts shown in the Agent Contact Handling Time and Agent Contact Handling Volume reports is result of the different database tables:
  • Agent Contact Handling Time uses the FactCEMContacts table which enters the contact on the day it has been handled.
  • Agent Contact Handling Volume uses the FactCEMAgents table to manage the contact handled entries for a specific day. It may also include contacts arriving prior to the actual contact handled day.

To filter data displayed in the reports, define the following filters:

Table 1. Filters

Filter Parameter



Choose one of the years/months/weeks of the year/days available in the time dimension. The default value is defined by the day previous to the current day.


Choose the group whose information you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the agent. The default value is All.

The report includes reporting data for the following items:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions




Call Contacts


Number of contacts allocated to the agent/group in the selected time period

Note that the same contact can be allocated to the same agent several times.


Number of handled contacts the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Handled %

Percentage of handled contacts of the allocated ones the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Not Handled Calls (Rejected)

Number of contacts rejected by the agent/group. Agents can decline an offered contact by:
  • Clicking the Decline button
  • Choosing an absence profile
  • Changing the status to not ready
  • Logging off from the queue
  • Closing the user interface

Not Handled Calls (Timeout)

Number of contacts that were not answered because of the system time limit. The default allocation time is 20 seconds.

Response Time (Avg.)

How long it took to answer to the call, average value

Calls Out

Number of outbound calls the agent/group has made in the selected time period

Consultation Calls

Number of consultation calls the agent/group has made in the selected time period. Consultation calls are made during the original call.

E-Mail Contacts


Number of e-mail contacts allocated to the agent/group in the selected time period


Number of handled e-mail contacts the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Handled %

Percentage of handled contacts of the allocated ones the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Response Time (Avg.)

How long it took before the e-mail was answered

Average value

E-Mail (Out)

Number of e-mails the agent/group has sent in the selected time period

Chat Contacts


Number of chat contacts allocated to the agent/group in the selected time period


Number of handled chat contacts the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Handled %

Percentage of handled contacts of the allocated ones the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Response Time (Avg.)

How long it took before the chat was answered. Average value

Callback Contacts


Number of callback requests allocated to the agent/group in the selected time period


Number of handled callback requests the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Handled %

Percentage of handled callback requests of the allocated ones the agent/group has handled in the selected time period

Response Time (Avg.)

Agent’s or groups’s average response time to answer the callback requests

The time includes all allocated callback requests, also the non-handled ones.


SMS (Out)

Number of sent (outbound) SMS