Agent - Utilization

The Agent - Utilization reports show statistics about agent utilization rates in different communication channels. There are 4 reports; the monthly, weekly, daily and quarter-hourly reports have similar structure and data content. Only the reported time intervals are different. Reports are based on the data in the Agent universe in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence.

The Agent - Utilization reports can be sorted by GroupAgent – time unit. The reports are also expandable/collapsible in this order.

To filter data displayed in the reports, define the following filters:

Table 1. Filters

Filter Parameter



Choose one of the years/months/weeks of the year/days available in the time dimension. The default value is defined by the day previous to the current day.


Choose the reporting group whose information you are interested in. The default value is All.


Choose the agent. The default value is All.

The reports include reporting data for the following items:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions

Column type



Grouping data


List of reporting groups where the agent belongs to.


List of agents.

Time unit

Time unit for limiting reporting data.

Utilization (Total)

Service Time (Total)

Total time when agents have been logged on in the selected time period.

Contact Handling Time

Total time when agents have been handling contacts in the selected time period.

Utilization (Total)

Percentage of the Contact Handling Time of the Service Time (Total).

Ready Time

Total time when agents have been with the status Ready in the selected time period.

Ready %

Percentage of the Ready Time of the Service Time (Total).

Free Time

Total time when agents have been with the status Ready but have had no incoming contacts in the selected time period.

Free %

Percentage of the Free Time of the Service Time (Total).

Not-Ready Time

Total time when agents have been with the status Not-Ready (formerly called as Paperwork) in the selected time period.

Not-Ready %

Percentage of the Not-Ready Time of the Service Time (Total).

Pause Time

Total time when agents have been with the status Pause in the selected time period.

Pause %

Percentage of the Pause Time of the Service Time (Total).

Inbound Calls

Calls (In)

Number of handled inbound calls within the selected time period.

Talking Time (In)

Total inbound call talking time.

Wrap-up (Inbound Call)

Total wrap-up time of inbound calls, contain scripting and resting times.

Call Utilization (In)

Total inbound call utilization, the percentage of the sum of Talking Time (In) and Wrap-up (Inbound Call) of Service Time (Total).

Outbound Calls

Calls (Out)

Number of handled outbound calls within the selected time period.

Talking Time (Out)

Total outbound call talking time.

Wrap-up (Outbound Call)

Total wrap-up time of outbound calls, contain scripting and resting times.

Call Utilization (Out)

Total outbound call utilization, the percentage of the sum of Talking Time (Out) and Wrap-up (Outbound Call) of Service Time (Total).


E-Mails (In)

Number of handled inbound e-mails within the selected time period.

E-Mails-In Time

Total inbound e-mail handling time.

Wrap-up (E-Mail)

Total wrap-up time of inbound e-mails, contain scripting and resting times.

E-Mail Utilization

Total inbound e-mail utilization, the percentage of the sum of E-Mails (In) and Wrap-up (Inbound E-Mail) of Service Time (Total).


Chats (In)

Number of handled inbound chat contacts within the selected time period.

Chats (Out)

Number of outboud chat contacts within the selected time period.

Chat Time

Time used for handling inbound and outbound chats, either single or multi-chats. When an agent chats for 1 minute in a single chat session, and then 1 minute in a multi-chat session with 2 chats, this time is 2 minutes.

Chat Time (Total)

The sum of time periods used for handling inbound and outbound chats. When an agent chats for 1 minute in a single chat session, and then 1 minute in a multi-chat session with 2 chats, this time is 3 minutes.

Multi-Chat Time

Time used for multi-chat sessions, where more than one inbound or outbound chats are handled simultaneously. When an agent chats for 1 minute in a single chat session, and then 1 minute in a multi-chat session with 2 chats, this time is 1 minute.

Max. Simultaneous Chat Sessions

The maximum number of simultaneous chat sessions. The maximum limit can be defined for an agent in the System Configurator User and Role Management > Users > Contact Settings.

Simultaneous Chats (Avg.)

Average number of simultaneous inbound and outbound chat sessions, Chat Time (Total) + Wrap-up (Chat) / Service Time (Total).

Response Time (Avg.)

Average of the response times to inbound chats.

Response Time (Med.)

Median of the response times to inbound chats.

Chat Utilization

Total inbound and outbound chat utilization, the percentage of the Chat Time + Wrap-up (Chat)/Max. Simultaneous Chat Sessions of Service Time (Total).

Wrap-up (Chat)

Total wrap-up time of inbound chats, contain scripting and resting times.

Callback Requests

Callback Requests

Number of handled callback requests within the selected time period.

Callback Time

Total handling time of callback requests.

Wrap-up (CBR)

Total wrap-up time of callback requests, contain scripting and resting times.

CBR Utilization

Total utilization of callback requests, the percentage of the sum of Callback Requests and Wrap-up (CBR) of Service Time (Total).