Conversation details

This view shows operative details of conversations and is intended for advanced use.

Viewing a conversation

To view events of a conversation:

  1. Click its row in the Conversations table.

    A new view opens and displays first the general information of the conversation.
    Field Description
    Source The number or address from where the conversation originated
    Destination The number or address to which the conversation was made
    Agent The person who handled or is currently handling the conversation
    Duration How long the conversation and its handling took, including wrap-up
    Arrival Time The time when the conversation entered the system
    Conversation ID The ID of a conversation segment. This can be used as a search criterion in the ID field in the Conversations view.
    Group ID The ID for all conversations that are linked together. This can be used as a search criterion in the ID field in the Conversations view. In some cases, conversation and group ID are identical.

    For email search, use the email ID.


    An agent who has accepted an inbound customer call needs to make a consultation call to a colleague. The customer call is put on hold when the consultation call begins. When it ends, the agents resumes the customer call. There are two separate calls, and the customer call and the consultation call have their own conversation ID but they have the same group ID. When the group ID is used as a search criterion, the search returns both calls.

  2. For events of the conversation, see the Conversation Details table.
    The table shows the following information:
    • Time: when the event occurred
    • Duration: time taken since previous event
    • Cumulative Duration: how long all the events so far have lasted
    • Event: one phase of a conversation
    • State 1 and State 2: further details such as agent name and queue name

      Operator direct in state values refers to direct calls that either the agent has made or has received.


      Donna Moore made an outgoing call (Operator direct). The call was disconnected by the other party, and wrap-up started (1). If Donna Moore had disconnected the call, state 1 would show Agent. State 1 for the event Wrap-up ended shows the queue name (in this case Operator direct as it was a direct call), resting time if any, and the agent status which in this cas was wrap-up (1).

    To see the event descriptions in State 1 and State 2 columns in their technical form, select Show Technical Data. This technical form is useful when experts are tracing events in the system logs and alternatively for other developer based actions.

    Note: Events and their states are available only in English.
    Table 1. Common events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    AcceptTimeout Offering timed out Agent name N/A
    AfterworkBegin Wrap-up started Queue name; 1=in wrap-up, 0=no wrap-up Wrap-up type; resting or scripting
    AfterworkEnd Wrap-up ended Queue name; resting time; 1=in wrap-up, 0=no wrap-up N/A
    AgentReq Agent requirement Expiration time for preferred/required agent requirement

    The expiration time is shown in UTC

    Preferred/required agent name
    AgentReqCancelled Agent requirement elapsed Cancellation reason such as timeout N/A
    DestAllocated Conversation allocated to agent Agent name Queue name
    DestUnAllocated Conversation no longer allocated Queue name Unallocation reason

    For example, if user's connection to Sinch Contact Pro is lost during a call offering, the call is declined by the system and NoPhone is shown as a state for an event.

    Queuing Conversation is queueing Queue name Prewelcome prompt played and/or IVR
    Rejected Conversation was rejected Agent name N/A
    SkillReq Skill requirement Required skill and level

    Agent's skill in relation to the skill requirement (skill match point)

    For example, if requirement is 5 and agent has skill level 3, skill match point is calculated as follows:


    UserContact Conversation created by agent Agent name N/A
    Disconnected Conversation was disconnected Disconnect reason; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started Queue name
    ContactSubject Subject of conversation Subject N/A
    Table 2. Call events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    BlindTransfer Blind transfer was successful Destination number Source number
    PreWelcomePlayed Pre-welcome prompt played Prompt file ID N/A
    BlindTransferFailed Blind transfer failed Failure reason Destination number
    CallJoined Call was joined Agent Original call ID
    CallJoinFailed Call joining failed N/A N/A
    CallOutTerminated Call (out) terminated N/A N/A
    CallsJoined Calls joined Original call ID Call direction (out or in)
    CallTransfer Call transfer Destination number Source number
    ConferenceCall Conference call Conference ID Call status
    Connected Call was connected Agent name Queue name
    ConnectedToOper Call (in) connected to agent Agent name Queue name
    OrigCall Original call (information) Original call ID N/A
    ConsEnd Consultation call ended Consultation call ID N/A
    ConsFor Consultation call (consfor) Original call ID N/A
    ConsIn Consultation call (in) Original call ID N/A
    ConsTo Consultation call (consto) Consultation call ID N/A
    NewCompleteStart Consultation call joined original N/A N/A
    Divert Call was diverted Destination number N/A
    Error Call (in) without extension information Number not found as the extension has been removed Destination number
    ExternalTransfer Call transfered to an external number Destination number Source number
    ExternalTransferFailed Call transfered to an external number failed Failure reason Destination number
    Hold Call on hold Reason N/A
    IVROrigCall IVR call Call ID N/A
    IVRTransfer IVR transferred call Destination number Source number
    LeaveVoiceMail Voicemail message left during call Queue name N/A
    Remoted Call moved between servers N/A N/A
    Rerouted Queueing call moved between servers Rerouted Current queue name
    UnHold Released from hold N/A N/A
    VMMessage Voicemail IVR has saved the recorded message Voicemail message ID Call ID
    Table 3. Other call-related events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    AllocToExtAgent Allocation to external agent External agent number N/A
    ConnToExtAgent Call (in) connected to external agent External agent number N/A
    ExtAgentRejected External agent rejected call Agent name Reason
    TermCallFor Terminal call (information customer GUID) Call ID N/A
    TermConnected Terminal call is connected Terminal number Queue name
    TermJoined Terminal call is connected to call Terminal number Original call ID
    Table 4. Recording and consent events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    ConsentTransfer Customer consent option done (transferring) Consent IVR number Queue from which the call is transferred to consent IVR
    ContactRecord Call recording (information) Call ID Recording owner (either agent, queue, or outbound campaign):owner name
    FileRecorded Recording of call created Recording owner (either agent, queue, or outbound campaign):owner name File name
    FileRecordedH File recorded (hidden) Recording owner (either agent, queue, or outbound campaign):owner name File name
    SupervisorRecorded Recorded by supervisor Agent name File name
    Table 5. Callback events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    CBRAllocated Callback request allocated Agent name Original call ID
    CBRConnected Callback request connected Agent name Queue name
    CBRConnectedToOper Callback request connected to agent Agent name Queue name
    CBRDisconnected Callback request disconnected Disconnect reason; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started N/A
    CBRHandled Callback request handled Agent name Result
    CBRUnAllocated Callback request no longer allocated Queue name N/A
    Table 6. Campaign events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    CallResult Campaign call result Call result (technical); call classification; call classification description Customer result; number of retries; total number of handled customers
    OBAllocated Campaign call allocated Agent name Queue name
    OBConnected Campaign call connected Agent name Queue name
    OBDisconnected Campaign call disconnected Disconnect reason; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started Queue name; call access time
    OutboundCampaignInfo Campaign (information) Outbound campaign name Preview duration
    Preview Campaign in preview mode Outbound campaign name Agent name
    Wrap Campaign call wrap-up (information) Outbound campaign name Agent name
    Table 7. Email events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    MailAllocated Mail (in) allocated to agent Agent name Queue name
    MailConnected Mail (in) opened from the queue Agent name Queue name; waiting time
    MailDeleted Mail (in) deleted Agent name Queue name; handling time; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started
    MailForwarded Mail (in) forwarded Agent name or queue name (destination) Agent name or queue name (source)
    MailHandled Mail (in) handled Agent name Queue name; handling time; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started
    MailOutCreated Mail (out) created Agent name Queue name
    MailOutDeleted Mail( out) deleted Agent name Queue name; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started
    MailOutHandled Mail (out) handled Agent name Queue name; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started
    MailOutSent Mail (out) sent Agent name Recipient email address
    MailOutSaved Mail (out) saved Agent name Queue name
    MailPicked Mail picked from pending state Agent name Queue name; waiting time
    MailPreview Mail previewed Agent name N/A
    MailSaved Mail saved to pending state Agent name Queue name; handling time
    MailSent Picked mail is replied Agent name Recipient email address
    MailUnAllocated Mail no longer allocated Queue name Unallocation reason
    NewMail Mail (new) to queue Previous CID Warning time; critical time
    Table 8. Chat events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    ChatAllocated Chat was allocated Agent name Queue name
    ChatConnected Chat was connected Agent name Queue name
    ChatForwarded Chat was transferred
    Note: If agent rejects a transferred chat, the chat transferred event isn't shown and the transfer time isn't updated.
    Agent name or queue name Agent, queue, or system name
    ChatHandled Chat was handled Disconnect reason; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started Discussion ID
    ChatOutConnected Chat (out) connected Agent name Queue name
    ChatOutHandled Chat (out) handled Disconnect reason; 1=wrap-up started, 0=wrap-up not started Discussion ID
    ChatResponseInfo Chat response (information) The number and duration of agent's responses
    Note: Responses are counted as follows:
    • The total number of agent's responses: per chat response agent has sent
    • The number of agent's responses: all chat responses except consecutive responses are counted as one response
    The number and duration of of customer's responses
    Note: Responses are counted as follows:
    • The total number of customer's responses: per chat response customer has sent
    • The number of customer's responses: all chat responses with the following exceptions:
      • responses customer sends before agent joins the discussion are not counted
      • consecutive responses are counted as one response
    ChatRecovered System restored chat Chat ID N/A
    ChatUnAllocated Chat no longer allocated Queue name Unallocation reason
    DiscussionHandled Chat was completed Discussion ID Disconnect reason
    • If the agent loses their session and doesn't return within a minute, the disconnect reason for the original chat conversation is AgentSessionLost.
    • If the chat conversation times out, the disconnect reason is Timeout.
    • If the chat conversation is forcibly closed by, for example, a system upgrade or a server module restart, the disconnect reason is RecoverMaintenance.
    • If an agent ends a chat conversation, the disconnect reason is Agent.
    • If the customer ends a chat conversation, the disconnect reason is Customer.
    NewChat Chat (new) to queue Chat type (such as text chat or video chat)

    In case of transferred chats also the original chat ID

    1=chat is imported, 0=chat is not imported
    CustomerName Customer name displayed Customer's display name N/A
    Table 9. Miscellaneous events
    Technical Name Event State 1 State 2
    ApplClosed Application resource is closed N/A N/A
    ApplTransfer Application resource transfer Destination number Source number
    DestInfo Gateway information Destinantion IP address Destination number
    DestInfoTr Gateway information trunk Destination IP address Destination number
    ServiceClosed Service closed Schedule name N/A

    If a conversation has scripts, they are shown in the Scripts tab.

    You can open a conversation in Communication Panel by clicking the View in Communication Panel button.

Marking a conversation as handled

If you have user rights to Control Contact, you can also mark a conversation as handled by clicking the Mark as Handled button. The purpose of this button is to add an end event for a conversation. It is intended for managing a situation where a conversation has ended in practice but for some reason the end event is missing. For calls, the button is only available after the call has been running for more than 12 hours.