Configuring Messaging Services

You use this to configure outgoing authentication for external services and for some, also the incoming authentication.

You can use either System Configurator (SC) or Restful Configuration Interface (RCI) for the configuration.

Outgoing Authentication

You must have rights to create or modify messaging services.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose System Management > Messaging Services.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Choose the messaging service type and click OK.
  4. Configure the settings according to the following table.
    Table 1. Basic Settings




    Enter a descriptive name for the service.

    Service Connection

    This is the outgoing connection. Enter it in the URL format.

    Authentication URL

    Not applicable.

    Authentication Scope

    Not applicable.

  5. In the Authentications block, enter the credentials for your service:
    ServiceAuthentication IDSecret
    Microsoft Teams
    • Azure Application (client) ID
    • For a technical user: user name in an email format
    • Password
    • For a technical user: password

    Page ID

    Page access token








    username@account ID






    From Sinch Portal:

    • • For outgoing: [Key ID]@[App ID]
    • • For incoming: webhook
    Enter the App ID in capital letters as it is in Sinch Conversation API.

    For more information, see the Configuring Sinch Conversation API

    • • For outgoing: Secret from Sinch Portal > Settings > Access keys > Access key list
    • • For incoming: your app’s secret from Conversation API> Apps> [the app]> Webhook> Secret token

    Service plan ID

    API token




    There can be several credentials for facebook but the sap365, twilio services only allow one set of authentication credentials.

    The social365 service supports the following authentication scenarios:

    • Multiple hub accounts within the same landscape

      If all hub accounts belong to same landscape, only one messaging service of type social365 is created with one URL endpoint, each hub account (represented by an entry in Authentications) has a username, an account ID and a password which is configured in the authentications list of that messaging service so that username@accountid goes to the Authentication ID field and password goes to the Password field.

    • Multiple hub accounts within multiple landscape

      If a set of hub accounts belongs to a different landscape, you need to create a new messaging service for that landscape and all hub accounts are grouped to that messaging service so that username@accountid goes to the Authentication ID field and password goes to the Password field.

  6. Save your changes.

Incoming Authentication


Facebook Messenger and C4S do not require incoming authentication. Additionally, this is not required if authentication is disabled in SMS Server. The incoming authentication for Sinch Conversation API is done with webhook in the Authentications block.

In this procedure you create an external user for incoming authentication.

You must have rights to create or modify users.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose User and Role Management > User.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. The following lists the mandatory settings you must define for this user:
    • First Name

    • Last Name
    • Logon Name
    • Password

    It's recommened not to use an existing user.

  4. In User Rights block, give the user Use rights to Messaging Service.
  5. Save your changes.